Mummy Maze Solver
Mummy Maze is a game created by PopCap in 2002. It is based on Robert Abbott’s Theseus maze. There are 3 scales of lattices: 6*6, 8*8, 10*10. With white mummy functioning as Minotaur, Mummy Maze introduced many varieties: red mummy, scorpion, trap, gate and key. There is only one Minotaur in the original Theseus maze, while the explorer in Mummy Maze faces more enemies.
If solutions are all you want, please visit this Complete Walktrough.
The 14th puzzle in Pharaoh’s Tomb, has the solution with the most moves, 66 steps.
My solver gives the best solution in a minute:
The original Theseus maze has been implemented many times, Toby Nelson, Kristanix Games, BarDavid, BarDavid also has a Java Applet for mummy maze. sokoban had dug more stuff.
My solver also supports Kristanix’s version of “Theseus and the Minotaur” maze.
The maximum lattice is 9*14. And the 87th level has a solution with the most moves, 181 steps: